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Wake Up America: Nature-Made and Human-Manufactured Bio Attacks Are Our Greatest Threat, Not Nuclear or Chemical

Writer: patricia.norris_S2Ppatricia.norris_S2P

Updated: Jul 30, 2024

Wake Up America: Nature-Made and Human-Manufactured Bio Attacks Are Our Greatest Threat, Not Nuclear or Chemical

By Dr. John Norris

Dr. John Norris is a former FDA COO and Harvard faculty member. He is a successful entrepreneur and expert in risk management for the "spread" of pathogens within bio attacks. And he has written over 120 articles and posts on this topic's different aspects and perspectives. On behalf of all people everywhere, Dr. Norris and his team have self-funded $1 million and invested over $2 million in sweat equity to create the world’s best infectious disease-spread risk-management platform: VirusVigilant. Their mission is to save up to a million lives by the end of the decade.


The COVID-19 pandemic has served as a wake-up call for the world, highlighting the devastating impact of infectious diseases on nations and their economies. It has shown us that our leaders' operational and response mistakes and the lack of preparedness can lead to the loss of millions of lives worldwide and the lives of 1.2 million Americans, much of it "avoidably." As we recover from this global crisis, it is important to recognize that nature-made and human-manufactured bio attacks pose a greater threat to our society than nuclear or chemical weapons.

Dr. Norris said: In this article, we will explore why bio attacks, whether naturally occurring or instigated by our enemies, have the potential to cause far more damage and why it is crucial for America to prioritize our defense against this threat. We will delve into the vulnerabilities we face and discuss the steps that politicians, government agency heads, and business executives can take to protect their workforce and mitigate the impact of infectious disease spread on their operations. It's the "spread" that kills millions. We must always keep this insight in mind. Prevent, mitigate and or control the spread, and you can save millions of lives. To do so, you must plan, create, develop, install, make fully operational, maintain, and staff-train regarding robust strategies, plans, programs, systems, tools, and other risk-management mechanisms.

There are no substitutes for or shortcuts to proper "preparation." Missed or skipped steps will mean people, including workers, spouses, and children, will die or otherwise be significantly harmed, physically, mentally, psychologically. or financially, and sometimes long-term. And enterprises and their investors/taxpayers as well as economies will be destroyed.--as far and as fast as the spread grows.


Based on extensive research completed by us and others, it has become clear that our politicians and other leaders poorly understand US and allied nations' bio attack risks. This status is reckless and unforgivable. Nevertheless, they must be helped, if we are to meet our goal of saving up to a million lives by the end of this decade. Politicians at two levels, US and international, are poorly informed and weakly motivated to "do the right thing."

Dr. Norris said: He and his teammates believe this lack of bio attack knowledge, understanding, and motivation is creating weak "preparation" of the US and its allies for a near-term minor bio attack, which is the scale of an attack that is most likely. Given the state of the world, where fits of anger and heightened fears are increasingly boiling over, we "expect" (not "predict;" there is insufficient historical evidence to make predictions) that such an attack will likely occur in the next three years.

And it will likely be performed by a terrorist group, such as Hamas, or a small hostile nation, such as Iran, although it likely will, by its nature, not be traceable to the aggressor. It might even be a stealth "false flag" attack by a nation that "leaves crumbs" because it wants us to surreptitiously have us retaliate against Hamas or Iran.

Regrettably, almost as destructive to our people and the people of the globe is a "viable threat" of a bio attack. This is so because of the enormous at-home anxiety and significant loss of at-work morale and attendance that such a threat imparts on workers, families, and investors/taxpayers. Such forces will destroy local and national loyalty and productivity resulting in a cascading set of damages..

Dr. Norris said: We estimate there is at least a vast number of times more risk that a small bio weapon, delivered by stealth, suicide, or false flag, will be used to attack the US than a small nuclear weapon. And a slight chemical weapon, such as mustard gas, is not even in the picture. For many reasons, which we will briefly get into below, in terms of "actual use," both small atomic weapons and small chemical weapons are all but obsolete. No serious person continues to believe in chemical weapons. And money, power, and habit are the key drivers of our continued obsession with nuclear weapons. Yet, just because they are highly traceable as to the aggressor, they are both significant "deterrents" and, at proper levels, must be kept around and up to date. In reality, however, they will never be used offensively or defensively. So, we have to pretend we will. But concurrently, we need to protect ourselves from the far bigger real risk: the use of bio weapons.

Post the COVID-19 Pandemic, which caught almost every leader worldwide "with their pants down," the third rail of "weapons of mass destruction," bio attack weapons, are, with a high degree of certainty, the "weapons of choice" by all significant aggressors going forward. We must count on it and be prepared for it far better than we are now. It is reckless for politicians and our other leaders not to make sure we are.

The Danger of Nature-Made Bio Attacks

"Nature-made" bio attacks, such as pandemics, endemics, or local outbreaks, caused by recurrent or novel viruses, or their variants, have the power to cripple entire nations. The rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus, and its many variants, for example, led to widespread lockdowns, which caused economic downturns, and overwhelmed healthcare systems. The virus affected not only the physical health of individuals but also their mental well-being and overall quality of life. As most people recognize, there are things in life worse than dying or experiencing the deep self-preservation fear associated with the heightened risk thereof. The death of a spouse or child is far worse. And the anxiety associated with having a silent and invisible bug (pathogen) coming into a worker's home on its own or because the worker transported it into their home and possibly killing or otherwise significantly harming them is overwhelming.

Just as with human-manufactured bio attacks, the unpredictability of nature-made bio attacks makes them difficult to anticipate and combat effectively. There are 24 infectious diseases nature can use as the basis for the attack. Or nature could produce a harsher variant or an entirely new disease. The emergence of new strains, the potential for variants that are more dangerous (contagious or deadly), and the challenges in developing effective treatments and vaccines all add to the complexity of the problem. We must acknowledge that these natural biological threats are an ongoing risk and require continuous vigilance and preparedness.

Dr. Norris said: Some experts "expect" that there is a 10% risk each year that a nature-made bio attack, of one scale or another, will occur. While this sounds like a small risk, it is important to think of it in the context of playing Russian Roulette using a ten-chamber revolver, one of which has a live round in it. Who would be so foolish if they were sober? Of course, taking such risks is the very definition of recklessness--morally, ethically, and legally.

There is no such thing as a reasonably sized bio attack. All sizes can be devastating. Even the viable threat of a small one can be morale-breaking. And if we don't start now to address these issues, the shock of a bio attack or the threat of one will be overwhelming. Without suitable protections/precautions already in place, people will be so scared they will collapse or be highly dysfunctional for days or even months, both at work and at home


The Rising Threat of Human-Manufactured Bio Attacks

While nature-made bio attacks are a serious concern, we cannot ignore the more significant threat of looming human-manufactured bio attacks. They will be used. It's inevitable. Plus, once the human-manufactured attack "explodes," nature takes over. The pathogen spreads, grows, and spreads some more, and it throws off vast numbers of variants that might be even more dangerous (contagious and deadly).

Our enemies, whether state-sponsored or terrorist organizations, understand the vulnerabilities of America and its allies associated with bio weapons. For example, they know that unlike nuclear or chemical weapons, bio weapons are difficult to trace as to source and can be deployed without leaving a clear signature that would enable retaliation. Accordingly, there is almost no "deterrence factor" associated with bio weapons. And a small, stealth bio attack or a viable threat thereof would likely significantly scare millions of Americans--most of whom would not return to work on-site unless their employer has in place and fully operational critical protections to prevent, mitigate, and or control the spread. Their fear at work and fear of bringing the dangerous pathogen home from work would be overwhelming.

Dr. Norris said: A small-scale bio attack, carefully orchestrated by our adversaries, could have catastrophic consequences. As we have seen with the COVID-19 pandemic, the impact of a bio attack can extend far beyond the loss of life or other major harm to our people. For those not killed or significantly harmed, it can disrupt supply chains, paralyze essential services, and undermine the stability of nations. The economic cost of such an attack could be staggering, possibly tens of trillions of dollars--potentially leading to a global recession or depression and affecting tens of millions of livelihoods worldwide. Again, there are things worse than death of oneself. Devastation of one's family, including their kids, is one of them.

Since the bio attack gini would be "out of the bottle," America and its allies would never be the same. Fear of nuclear and chemical attacks would largely be replaced by a more significant fear of a far more likely disastrous bio attack.

The Need for Preparedness and Defense

To protect our workforce, families, and investors/taxpayers and minimize the impact of infectious disease spread on our operations, politicians, government agency heads, and business executives must prioritize bio defense strategies, plans, programs, systems, tools, and other risk-management mechanisms--and their proper funding. This includes investing in preparatory research for the quick, thoughtful, and effective development (including FDA regulatory review) of vaccines, diagnostics, and treatments and critical means for organizing and facilitating their proper use and administration in the field--as well as strengthening our surveillance systems to detect and respond rapidly to potential bio threats.

Dr. Norris said: Additionally, collaboration between government agencies, private sector entities, and international organizations is essential to ensure effective coordination and information sharing. The exchange of insights, knowledge, and expertise can help identify emerging bio threats, develop robust response plans, and allocate and use international, national, regional, and local resources, especially healthcare resources and spread prevention, mitigation, and or control resources most efficiently and effectively.

Furthermore, investing in advanced technologies such as AI and its subset of machine learning and its subset of deep learning can also enhance our ability to monitor and analyze data, identify patterns, and predict outbreaks or worse. By leveraging these technologies, we can gain valuable insights into the spread of infectious diseases and take proactive measures to contain them. Recommendations to politicians and other leaders for adaptive measures to be used within a rapidly changing crisis will prove invaluable in terms of saving "lives, limbs, and resources."


In conclusion, it is crucial for America to wake up to the reality that nature-made and human-manufactured bio attacks pose a significant threat to our national security and defense and overall well-being. While nuclear and chemical weapons are still concerns, the devastation caused by the spread of infectious diseases and the likelihood of their use is far greater. It is imperative that politicians, government agency heads, and business executives (including leaders of not-for-profit businesses, such as hospitals and foundations) recognize this threat and take proactive steps as soon as is reasonable to protect their workforce and operations and those of others we are dedicated to serve. Not doing so will be deemed to be "reckless," morally, ethically, and legally.

By investing in preparedness and defense measures, collaborating with stakeholders, and leveraging advanced technologies, we can mitigate the impact of bio attacks of both kinds and safeguard the world's people, economies, and societies. America's ability to respond swiftly and effectively to bio threats will determine our resilience as a nation and our ability to protect the lives and livelihoods of our citizens and those of our allies.

Now is the time to prioritize bio security and defense and ensure that America is adequately prepared to face the greatest threat of our time. Let us not wait for another crisis to remind us of the importance of taking proactive measures and engaging in strong strategic planning. As we prepare, let us aid others to do the same. We are all at risk of bio attack. COVID-19 proved this. And the horrible war in the Middle East is a threat like no other except the war in Ukraine. Please keep in mind: Desperate people do desperate things.

A Public Service Announcement by Safely2Prosperity and Its Executive Chairman, Dr. John Norris

We are pleased to cover this well-hidden story as a public service for the sake of our readers and all the people of the US and the world. We aim to have informed, educated, and committed leaders in the US and worldwide at all levels of society. We hope they buy our solution because it is the best. But if not, they must purchase "a" solution. Three alternative solutions are almost as good as S2P's VirusVigilant.

Safely2Prosperity (S2P) provides a "comprehensive infectious-disease spread risk-management solution," VirusVigilant, for business executives, government-agency heads, and nation leaders to protect their employees, families, investors, and others. S2P's VirusVigilant "Infectious Disease Safety Program" (like a Fire Safety Program but much more sophisticated and complex) combines a SaaS platform with customized risk management tools for overseeing add-on packages of vaccinations, testing, therapeutics, isolation (if infected), quarantining (if exposed), and tracking technologies, among many others. These tools help these leaders meet their moral, ethical, and legal responsibilities while protecting and enhancing workforce, family, and investor/taxpayer safety and productivity. Thereby, VirusVigilant helps assure (it's not "insurance," but "assurance," for leaders, so "they can sleep at night," at 1,000 times less the cost than health insurance) (1) business continuity, (2) revenue, (3) profits, (4) investor and insurer financial protection, and (5) the overall effectiveness and survival of the enterprise. With a focus on proactive measures, S2P offers a cost-effective, low-cost (as low as pennies per employee per month), intuitive solution for risk-managing infectious disease spread. "It's the spread that kills millions."

Dr. John Norris is a former FDA COO and Harvard faculty member. He is also a highly successful entrepreneur recognized as an expert in preventing, mitigating, controlling, and otherwise risk-managing the "spread" of infectious diseases. He has often published on this or related topics, including as editor-in-chief of two academic publications, one at Harvard (which he founded some 50 years ago) and the other at Cornell. And gave many presentations on the need for change in health and healthcare systems, including 300 presentations worldwide. Also, he helped reform the "regulatory procedures" used by the Joint Commission (which "regulates" hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes) and the US FDA (which regulates drug and medical device developers). Finally, he is a highly successful businessperson and entrepreneur. He and his former teammates sold one of their last start-ups for almost $2B in today's dollars.

As the historically world-renowned diplomat Benjamin Franklin said as he signed the US Declaration of Independence from England (the first, most costly, and most dangerous step in forming the United States as a country, but a critical step): "Gentlemen [and Ladies], we must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." Thoughtful and aggressive "preparedness" is the first and most essential step in protecting our people and those of our allies from the devastation of a bio attack by a terrorist group, such as Hamas, or a hostile nation, such as Iran. It costs as little as 60 cents per employee per month (1,000th the cost of health insurance) to be prepared.

If you want to learn more about VirusVigilant, please get in touch with Dr. John Norris by text at 617-680-3127 or by email at (mailto: S2P's website is (

© 2024 Safely2Prosperity LLC and Dr. John Norris, Executive Chairman. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.



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